
Source and target systems

eADM Integrations

On this page you will find an overview of which source and target systems you can integrate via eADM. Is your system not on the list? Get in touch and we'll help you.

eADM login page - Identum eADM login page - Identum

Source systems

Here you will find an overview of which source systems are supported by eADM. Source systems are systems that deliver data to eADM, typically HRM or payroll systems.

Visma Enterprise

Visma Enterprise+

Visma HR-plus 8




ERP Kommune



SD Worx


Unit4 (Agresso)


Target systems | Microsoft, Google and Meta

Here you'll find an overview of the targeting systems available for Microsoft, Google and Meta.

There is money to be made (or rather saved) here. Make sure you get rid of "zombie accounts" and don't pay too much for office licenses that are not fully utilized.

Microsoft AD

Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft School Data Sync

Google Workspace

Workplace from Meta

Target systems | Hospital & Health Care

Here you will find an overview of which goal systems are available for use in the hospital and healthcare category.

Visma Care

Visma Profile

Visma Welfare

CGM Allmen

CGM Health Center

CGM Emergency room

CGM Covid






Infodoc Plenario



Target systems | HR, Payroll and Accounting

In addition to using data from HR and payroll systems as master data, we can also help you make data flow back to these systems.

Aditro payroll

Agresso/Unit4 UBW

Compello invoice receipt and approval

KS Fiks

Personec Salary




Visma Bruker administration



Target systems | Quality and competence

Here you will find an overview of which target systems are available for use in the quality and competence category.



EQS Quality system

Netpower Quality





Visma SmartSkill

Target systems | Education and training

There's a reason why we have so many schools and municipalities on our customer list, because we support most of the systems available.

Visma Move School

Visma InSchool

Visma Refugee

Visma Adult education

IST Everyday


Common student system



Conexus Engage







HK Oppvekst

Microsoft School Data Sync


Apple School Manager



Target systems | Case and Archive

Here you will find an overview of which target systems are available for use in the case and archive category.

ACOS Websak

P360 Case management

P360 Archive

P360 eBuilding case

Safe Elements

Ephorte Elements



Visma Bruker administration



Target systems | Visma

Visma has many excellent solutions and applications that help both small and large businesses in their everyday lives. So many, in fact, that we've created a whole section dedicated to Visma integrations.

NB! Via integration with Visma user administration, we can register users in/out of access groups in user admin. This provides real-time access management to all Visma systems that are linked to user admin via access groups.

Visma Familia

Visma Refugee

Visma Move School

Visma GAT

Visma HsPro

Visma InSchool

Visma Link

Visma Care

Visma Profile

Visma Collaboration

Visma SmartSkill Glup/Veilederen

Visma Velferd

Visma Voksenopplæring

How does IAM via eADM work?

On this page we have listed source and target systems where identity and access management is automated via eADM today.

We are constantly developing new integrations, and we also accept orders if you have unique needs that we do not currently cover.

Do you also want to automate and simplify your everyday life with eADM? Get in touch and we'll help you.

Send us a message

IAM can get very complicated, but very simply explained, eADM can:

  • Send out automatic notifications or requests for access. This is possible for all systems, including those not listed here.
  • Automatic enrollment in access groups for all systems marked with AD/Azure AD/Entra ID.
  • Automatic creation and maintenance of user accounts directly in your subject/target systems for all systems in the API, CSV or XML category.
  • Automatic access management directly in your subject/target systems for all entries marked with API.


API stands for "Application Programming Interface" and you can think of it as a direct link between two different systems. What is possible to do via this link is governed by a "contract" between the two systems, which governs how the systems interact and communicate with each other.

For all API-based integrations, we can synchronize users and organizational structure from HRM. We also have the ability to assign roles and run access management in real time, as long as the subject/target system supports it.

AD/Azure AD/Entra ID

An integration based on AD/Azure AD/Entra ID works in such a way that eADM can sign users in and out of groups in local AD or Azure AD/Entra ID. Enrollment and de-enrollment in these groups then determines which accesses and rights the user should be granted.

This means that, by extension, eADM can manage all access and rights that can be linked to AD and Azure AD/Entra ID.

A CSV or XML integration is a one-way integration via file transfer. It can be an excellent alternative if large numbers of users are to be managed in a system that does not support an API-based integration or can be managed via AD or Azure AD/Entra ID.

Source system

A source system in the context of IAM is typically an HR or payroll system from which data is retrieved. Certain data points (attributes), such as position code or role, are then used to trigger automation in eADM.

Depending on the employee's position code or role, eADM then performs predefined tasks automatically.

Target systems/subject systems

Target systems are workspaces, subject systems, email/interaction, etc. where eADM can create, maintain and delete users. As well as assign or change roles, departments and accesses.